Maddest picture ever XD lol
Alex is a Freelance Music Producer who lives for music, It is his drug and life. Currently lives in Sweden and bases his studio in the heart of Stockholm.
Freelance Producer
Fryshuset Gymnasium
Stockholm SWE
Joined on 2/4/04
Maddest picture ever XD lol
Looking forward to it all. =)
Yeah my connection sucks. Clearwire.... nuff said.
Is that a Snuggie?
Dune fan i presume? good fx
I'm officially a fan!
failing terrorist sais "ALLAAAAAAAAAA! Oh, crap... this bombs a dud..."
For the record, I was being honest when I reviewed your remixes (and yes, they are remixes). I don't have anything against you, so I don't understand why you have to be such a dick in commenting on my reviews. Your GVP remixes don't sound good to me, because they're named Guitar vs. Piano, so I expect one style and recieve another completely different style.
its sopposed to say rout XD